Good News is Good for Your Health: The Surprising Benefits of Positive News

published on 02 February 2023

by Jonathan Vize

If you’re anything like me, you’re tired of the constant barrage of negative news. It’s a never-ending stream of depressing headlines. According to Graham Davey, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Sussex, exposure to bad news can cause “stress reactions and some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that can be quite long-lasting.” But if that is true about negative news, can positive news be good for you?

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The answer is simple and the experts agree: positive news is good for you and the benefits just might surprise you.

The Science

When we see or hear positive news, our bodies produce hormones that make us feel happy. “All of those happy hormones like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, they do the opposite of stress hormones,” says Dr. Sandro Demaio, a globally-renowned public health expert. “They bring your blood pressure down, they improve your mental health and they reduce your chances of some chronic diseases.”

Hope Restored

We all need a little hope and inspiration in our lives, and positive news gives us just that. Like this dog who stood guard over two girls lost in the woods at night. Or this WWII veteran who was reunited with the young girl he saved in 1944. Or even how YouTube star, Mr. Beast, sponsored cataract surgery for 1,000 people. Stories of people going above and beyond have a profound impact on how we see the world. It restores our faith in humanity and reminds us that positivity still exists, even from complete strangers.

Healthier You

It’s not all mind games when it comes to good news. A happier heart just might be a healthier one too. In a study of nearly 3,000 healthy British adults, led by Dr. Andrew Steptoe of University College London, those who reported upbeat moods had lower levels of cortisol -- a “stress” hormone. When chronically elevated, it may contribute to high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and dampened immune function, among other problems.

Evidence From Everyday People Like You

As you know, Goodable is all about good news. And our audience tells us how important positive news is to them. Testimonials sent to Goodable show self-reported evidence that we are actually improving their health. One user wrote, “My dad is battling cancer and he doesn’t want to hear the doom and gloom news anymore. I shared some Goodable stories with him and it cheered him up immensely. What you’re doing is so gentle, yet so very powerful too.” Another person told us, “Finding Goodable was the right glimmer of hope during a dark period in my life. The daily reminders of goodness and wholesomeness helped me step forward. Without Goodable, we would never have gotten through it together. Thank you for all that you do.” 

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But above all, there was one message that stands out above the hundreds we’ve received so far. It paints a vivid and sobering portrait of the perils of mental health, and how the power of good news is literally saving lives. It said, “I actually just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks because of a suicide attempt and this is the first thing that truly made me believe that, maybe, if people like this still live on this planet, I want to be a part of it.”

So remember, you have the power to control the media you consume. You don’t have to keep doom-scrolling through Twitter when cheer-scrolling is clearly a much healthier choice (If you haven’t yet, try the Goodable app here). If you surround yourself with positivity and hope, you can live a happier and healthier life. Making an effort to consume positive news is a great way to surround yourself with hope, inspiration and happiness. Are you ready to join us on this journey to positivity?

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